Perfect Italian Pizza - What could be better

Hello guys,

I am back with a perfect weekend recipe! Authentic Italian pizza! Who would not love pizza? I mean it's pizza... I don't know anyone who doesn't like it. And I know that sometimes it's nice to get that American style thick pan pizza but even better is thin and crusty Italian pizza. And here is a good recipe for it! Have good weekend guys!

Ingredients: (One big pizza)

  • 1,5 dl of water 
  • 8 g of fresh yeast
  • 5 g of salt
  • 35 g of olive oil
  • 250 g of flour *
  • Tomato sauce (with herbs)
  • What ever you like (we used salami, mozzarella and olives)
* If you want to make really authentic pizza buy durum flour which is even thinner and gives silkier you silkier dough

Start by warming the water to your body temperature. Add the yeast and mix until even. Add salt and then start slowly mix the flour in to the mix. When the dough starts to be firm add olive oil and continue working the dough. If the dough doesn't feel firm enough then add more flour. Leave the dough to rest for about 2 hours somewhere warm under baking clothe. 

After the dough has rose at least to the double size take it to the floured baking surface. Start to work the dough. Work the dough at least for 5 minutes because it is really important to get the dough elastic. When you feel like the dough is elastic enough you can start to roll it with rolling pin to the right shape. 

Start to spread the tomato sauce all over the pizza. After spread the toppings all over the pizza crust and put the pizza to the oven. 275° C  5-12 minutes depending on how thick is the pizza crust. 



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